2025 Asia Pacific Workshop on Data Science and Information Theory
Paper Submission Instructions
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Paper Submission Instructions

Instructions to authors

The official language of the conference is English, which will be used for all presentations and printed materials.

Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX to format manuscripts. You can use the IEEE Conference Templates

Manuscripts for publication will not exceed 5 pages in length plus an optional extra page containing references only.

Manuscripts should use font size no smaller than 10 points, and have reasonable margins on all the 4 sides of the text. Papers should have no page numbers and no headers or footers. The top and bottom margins should be at least 0.5 inches (US letter) to leave room for page numbers. All fonts should be embedded in the pdf file. A submission should have authors' affiliations and email addresses, and the paper review process follows the traditional single-blind form.

Each paper must have at least one author register as an attendee. Papers that are not presented at APWDSIT' 25 by an author will not be published either in the proceedings or in IEEE Xplore, unless the TPC chairs grant explicit permission for a substitute presenter in advance of the event who is qualified to present the paper and to answer questions.

Upload your full paper here: https://edas.info

Deadline to submit your full paper is: June 14, 2025

APWDSIT' 25, Shenzhen, is planned as an in-person conference with authors expected to travel and participate in the event.